Dòng EVH được thiết kế đặc biệt để xả hiệu quả trong các ứng dụng theo chu kỳ. Dòng EVH có thể phục vụ hơn 400 chu kỳ khi xả 100%. Dung lượng của ắc quy 12V từ 15Ah đến 39Ah và tất cả đều có thể sạc lại, hiệu quả cao, không bị rò rỉ và không cần bảo trì.
Dòng EVX được thiết kế đặc biệt để xả hiệu quả trong các ứng dụng theo chu kỳ. Dòng EVX có thể phục vụ hơn 400 chu kỳ khi xả 100%. Phạm vi công suất từ 7.2Ah đến 75Ah của ắc quy 12V và tất cả đều có thể sạc lại, hiệu quả cao, không bị rò rỉ và không cần bảo trì.
GP là viết tắt của General Purpose. Dòng máy là sản phẩm ứng dụng năng lượng công nghệ cao hiện đại và là sản phẩm tinh tế thế hệ đầu tiên của CSB battery.
GPL Series is a general purpose and long life battery with a design life up to 8~10 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 7.2Ah to 100Ah of 12V battery, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
HR Series specially designs for high efficient discharge application. Its characteristics are smaller volume, lightweight and high discharge efficiency with a design life up to 5 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 18W/cell to 120W/cell of 12V battery for 15min-rate, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
HRL Series is a high rate discharge and long life battery with a design life up to 8~10 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 10W/cell to 540W/cell of 6V or 12V battery for 15min-rate, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
MSJ Series is a very long service life battery with a design life up to 20 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 150Ah to 1000Ah of 2V battery, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
MSV Series is a very long service life battery and lightweight with a design life up to 15 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 200Ah to 1000Ah of 2V battery, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
MU Series is a large capacity and very long service life battery with a design life up to 20 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 1000Ah to 1500Ah of 2V battery, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
TPL Series specially designs for telecom application. Its characteristics are front terminal design, smaller volume, and lightweight with a design life up to 12 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 80Ah to 150Ah of 12V battery for 8hour-rate, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
UPS Series specially designs for high efficient discharge application. It uses the latest wafer-thin plate technology to provide optimum high-rate performance with a design life up to 5 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 240W/battery to 580W/battery of 12V battery for 5min-rate, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
XHRL Series is an extreme high rate discharge and long life battery with a design life up to 10 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 360W/cell to 620W/cell of12V battery for 15min-rate, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.
XTV Series specially designs for extreme temperatures (-20 to 50℃). Its characteristics are smaller volume and lightweight with a design life up to 12 years in standby service. Capacity range is from 7.2Ah to 110Ah of 12V battery for 20hour-rate, and all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.